This was our third shoot and we hoped for good weather but it did not look good all week, but we consider ourselves lucky we had a very fine morning and early afternoon, and then the rain came. Copied this paragraph from last years report, uncanny eh?
The weather forecast did inevitably create the last minute cancellations but balanced by new requests, leaving us with a very respectable 126 archers walking out.
The course was set comprising of 27 new faces from makers
Normandie Archerie, 5x3D’s, 2x 2D’s & 2x Original Canvasses from Paul Summerfield (Druids). A lot of excitement over them all, being the first time many had seen them. The Iguana up the wall generated some laughter.
The extra 3D Targets this time, excluding Kay’s Boar in the field like Ian’s Badger on the mound were inside the wall (with backstops) hopefully giving more variety and a chance to retrieve your arrows in one piece.
We have had many compliments on the day and after, so a great success.
So a huge Thank You to Catering, Admin, Marshalls, Target Pasters, Work Parties, support workers and Course setters for all your hard work on the day, in the weeks leading up to it and working behind the scenes.
Finally, a big Thank You to all the archers. Particularly Nicola (hard terrain but you did it. Well done), Ian and Brenda who also travelled all the way from the south coast showcasing the exciting new Austrian 3D’s. We enjoyed sharing our wood with you all and for conquering our slope between 19 and 21. Not easy!
Mark Taylor